5 Ways a Boudoir Shoot can Boost Your Body Image

5 ways a boudoir shoot can boost your body image stl boudoir photographer

How can a boudoir session boost your body image?

The part I love most about being a boudoir photographer is connecting with women from all walks of life and watching them walk away from their session feeling empowered, confident and with an extra little swagger in their step. And of course, I greatly enjoy helping you boost your body image.

While it’s great to have beautiful, stunning photos of yourself that you are in love with. Those photos are just the icing on the cake. A boudoir photo shoot is about you learning to love yourself, gaining confidence, growing your self-esteem, and feeling empowered about your beauty and femininity.

I firmly believe that increasing body image and self-esteem is important. Why? Well, for starters, when you feel confident you are less likely to second guess yourself. You take more risks and are more open to going after what you really want. And the best part? You can use your confidence to help lift others up. Especially other women. As a mother, I have a daughter and I know she is always watching me. I strive to be a good example of self-confidence and self-love.

Remember that saying – beauty comes from the inside? Well, true beauty does radiate from within, and I firmly believe that when you FEEL good and LOOK good because of it.

From beginning to end, the Self-Love & Empowerment photoshoot experience with Vanessa Summers Boudoir is designed to help you reclaim your confidence, feel empowered, know yourself, and love yourself, on top of loving the photos that were taken of you.

But how, you ask?

Here are just a few ways that a boudoir session can boost your body image and help your self-esteem:

5 ways a boudoir session can boost your body image


I think it’s safe to admit that we’re all better at loving others than loving ourselves (myself included) – women in particular. And especially mothers!

But every single one of us deserves love. YOU definitely deserve to love yourself. A boudoir session can help you fall in love with yourself and feel more confident about the way you look, and especially be more comfortable in the skin you’re in. That’s a BIG deal!

As women, we are constantly told how to look and feel. A boudoir session helps to push away all those negativity to learn to love yourself better, exactly the way you are.

My hope for all women is that we stop listening to the way others want us to be and start seeing ourselves the way we are – beautiful and strong.


As a St. Louis Boudoir photographer, I aim to make you see yourself differently. Through my lens, you will see just how beautiful you are, inclusive of any insecurities or so-called flaws. I always focus on what my clients love about themselves but also try to capture at least a few images of what they are insecure about.

I don’t know about you but my significant other always tells me how beautiful I am but sometimes it’s hard to believe that just because someone is telling you that you are. Oftentimes, it takes seeing yourself truly through the eyes (or in this case, lens) of someone else to know that you are beautiful.

We all have insecurities and flaws, but when you let yourself pause to notice your own beauty and the strength in your body, you just may begin to appreciate yourself a little bit more. Plus, you’ll have those stunning boudoir images to look back at on days when you’re just not feeling your best self as a little reminder of how beautiful and badass you really are.


Trust me, I’m a hermit – stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary as hell. But it can always be thrilling. As they say it’s not worth it if it doesn’t have a risk to it. Or maybe it’s if it doesn’t scare you then you aren’t doing it right? Like if you’ve ever gone skydiving, or as a kid, that first time you jumped off the highest diving board. There was this rush that came with it. A boudoir session takes you out of your normal, day-to-day life and shows you the boldness you may not get to see in your day-to-day grind. 

When you do something that you never thought you could do, when you accomplish something that seemed impossible when you prove to yourself that YES, YOU CAN! There is absolutely nothing more powerful than that. And girl, that rush that comes with it not only makes you feel amazing and you can tackle anything but it puts a swagger in your step. And of course, boost your body image.


You know another way to boost your body image? Feeling empowered! And I’ll tell you a little secret: it’s not about the male gaze, ladies.

I intentionally photograph the women in front of my lens from a female perspective. At the base level, there is absolutely nothing sexual about a boudoir session. Unless you want it to be. A boudoir session means something different to every woman I photograph, and that’s what I love about it. It’s unique to each woman. It’s a powerful thing to own that from a body image and self-esteem standpoint.  It’s modern, and let’s face it, it’s fun!

You don’t need to get boudoir photos done for anyone or gift it to anyone. You can do it for YOU!

Because you deserve it, because you own your sensuality because no matter your age or where you are in your life you deserve to be seen, to love and celebrate yourself.

At risk of sounding like a makeup commercial, you are worth it. 


Answer me this: when was the last time you did something just for you?  Took an afternoon alone, had a glass of wine, felt beautiful, didn’t rush yourself to school pickup or a zoom meeting or worry about tackling your never-ending to do list? I bet you just sat there trying to come up with a day and you couldn’t. Am I right?

It’s not often I take a breather for myself but when I do… ahhh.  Just a few minutes of self-care where I can focus on myself goes a long way in centering myself, and lets me be a better mother, partner and photographer.

I am not going to sit here and tell you that a boudoir shoot will not solve all of your body image and self-esteem issues. But I will say that some self-love and empowerment can go a long way in helping you build the confidence you need to feel better about yourself today than you did yesterday. And so I will continue to preach – Do it and Do it for YOU. Your boudoir session will be something that is uniquely yours –  a risk that you were brave enough to take. 

Every woman feels unsure about going through with a boudoir photoshoot leading up to their session day. But when you are in the moment, you are going to be amazed by the self-esteem, confidence, and power that emanates from you.. And when that photoshoot ends and you see the end result, you’ll ask yourself why you ever doubted yourself to begin with.

Trust me.

That’s why I feel a boudoir session can boost your body image.

Are you looking to book a boudoir photoshoot in STL? Click below to learn more about the experience.

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